Photo of Joao Soares Portugal
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John Campos Soares is a contemporary artist born August 20, 1992 in Funchal .
Develops its work through some important references , some artists who have served as inspiration , considered geniuses of yesteryear , among them Picasso , Kandinsky , Van Gogh , Goya , Velasquez , Rubens and Murillo , their chosen artist , there is the Baroque era where reaps more inspiration .
John Campos Soares is a photographer in...

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53.15 x 59.06 in
35.43 x 47.24 in
11.81 x 23.62 in
31.50 x 39.37 in
31.50 x 62.99 in

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Photo of Joao Soares Portugal

John Campos Soares is a contemporary artist born August 20, 1992 in Funchal .
Develops its work through some important references , some artists who have served as inspiration , considered geniuses of yesteryear , among them Picasso , Kandinsky , Van Gogh , Goya , Velasquez , Rubens and Murillo , their chosen artist , there is the Baroque era where reaps more inspiration .
John Campos Soares is a photographer in evolution, showing willingness to learn new things and continually improve their techniques . Her works and projects are created through their own imaginations . Short phrases or songs also serve as inspiration when scarce creativity .
He studied Visual Arts at the Secondary School Father Benjamin Salgado , where he also attended painting workshop led by teacher and painter John Freitas . There has acquired important aspects that would be of utmost importance for their development , both in the cultural sphere , whether in painting and drawing. Also made ??a small painting course at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Porto and also other complementary formations .
Lives between Joane , where did most of his works , and Tomar , which attends degree in Conservation and Restoration at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar .
The paintings of John Campos Soares characterize themselves by excessive use of various colors and shapes very geometries inspired by Kandinsky . For him , the most important aspect is the color . Considers unimportant design, believing that the color reflects all the emotions .
Exotic birds , Chemistry and Physics , Movement II , City by the Sea , Girl Picking Flowers , Discs , surroundings are the titles of his major works . In addition to its original , also has some replicas , including , lilies , narcissus , St. John the Baptist and Boy Espiolhando up .
Some of the phrases he also wrote : \" The imagination comes from within my soul , however, everything is created by nature.\" \" If I do not love the things I paint , I can not survive.\"

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